Sharing your Video CV

Sharing your Video CV in C-Me by either email, social media or with copy link

Written by Olivia
Updated over a week ago

To share your Video CV by email or socially, open the video CV and click the share icon in the top right-hand side of the screen.

You may be asked if you want to Get Feedback from family or friends first. Click 'Share Anyway' if you don’t want to do this. The pop-up share screen will then be displayed...

There are 3 ways you can share your Video CV:

  1. Copy link - click 'Copy', so the uniquely tracked URL link is copied into your clipboard. You can then paste the link into your mail browser or onto a social platform.

  2. By email - insert an email into the second field and click 'Add'. Continue adding as many emails as you want, and then click 'Share'. Each recipient is individually tracked in your Dashboard.

  3. Socially - share socially on Linked In, Twitter or Facebook by clicking the social media icons at the bottom. You will be directed to the standard social posting pages of the platform.

After sharing your Video CV, you can track its progress in your dashboard.

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